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Search EMMA and PCMA reports and related case studies

Browse our library of reports and case studies by country, market system or report type. Though the PCMA approach was only formally named as such in 2014, quite a few EMMA studies from earlier years were essentially early PCMAs. The reports in this library are therefore categorized “pre-crisis” if they are focused on developing market baselines and/or preparing for anticipated crises, and they are categorized “post-crisis” if they are primarily focused on responding to a recent or ongoing emergency.

Displaying 81 - 90 of 118

Les régions du Kanem et du Bahr el Gazal
January, 2012

Les régions du Kanem et du Bahr el Gazal ont une production agricole déficitaire chronique à cause de la sécheresse cyclique, de la variabilité spatio-temporelle de la répartition des pluies, de la désertification et de l'érosion. Les rendements prévisionnels de la campagne agricole actuelle sur l’ensemble du territoire du Tchad pour la plupart des cultures vivrières sont inférieurs de 8% par rapport à la moyenne quinquennale. Selon l’enquête du PAM réalisée en mars-avril 2011, 46,3% de la population du Kanem et 40,5% de la population du Bahr El Gazal sont en insécurité alimentaire sévère. Oxfam et ACF ont décidé de réaliser une étude EMMA du marché du tourteau d'arachide (une sorte d'aliment pour le bétail), afin de définir les types de réponses et les modalités les plus appropriées pour répondre aux besoins humanitaires. Le rapport suggère deux études, une sur l’alimentation animale et une sur l’huile d’arachide, suivi par de l'appui à la filière du tourteau d’arachide à travers l’accès au crédit des grossistes et des transformateurs d’arachide. En période d’urgence, le rapport propose des distributions ou ventes subventionnées de tourteau d’arachide et du conseil des agropasteurs et éleveurs sur l’utilisation du tourteau d’arachide. A plus long terme, le rapport suggère l’appui technique sur l’utilisation du tourteau d’arachide.

Report authors: 
Anne-Solenne Le Danvic
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Kyauk Phyu Township, Rakhine State
August, 2011

On October 22, 2010, Cyclone Giri made landfall on the western coast of Rakhine State, Myanmar, causing severe damage to houses, infrastructure, standing crops and fisheries. The EMMA in Rakhine aimed to establish an understanding of how the fishing sector had recovered since the cyclone and to look at opportunities to improve efficiency within the market system. It found that the fishing sector has recovered since Cyclone Giri; however, small and medium fishers continue to face difficulties in earning enough income from their production due to structural barriers or insecurity of their fishing grounds. The report recommends restoration and improvement of physical infrastructure, such as boats and storage facilities; strengthening human capital by improving the nutritional situation for households; providing cash grants, conditional cash transfers and other means of improving financial capital; strengthening networks with business, government, and NGOs; and advocating for more sustainable rehabilitation and management of natural capital.

Report authors: 
Not specified
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Report type:

Wajir County
August, 2011

The Horn of Africa is experiencing the most severe food crisis in the world today following two consecutive seasons of significantly below-average rainfall. Crops have failed, substantial livestock mortality has occurred and local cereal prices are extremely high. In Kenya's northern and north-eastern districts, there are currently 2.4 million people needing food assistance, and this number is expected to increase. Mercy Corps conducted this EMMA assessment in August 2011 on three market systems that are critical to food security in Wajir - rice, maize and beans. For the immediate response, this report recommends vouchers and cash transfers for households to increase their access to food. Increased purchasing power will allow households to access food, repay debts and rebuild local credit systems, and vouchers for households and traders can improve dietary diversity by increasing supplies of milk, fruits, and vegetables. For mid-term interventions, this report recommends rebuilding productive assets in order to strengthen and diversify local livelihoods.

Report authors: 
Not specified
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Report type:

La zone du Nord Guéra, au Tchad, est une des régions les plus touchées par l’insécurité alimentaire. La sécheresse de 2009 a provoqué une crise alimentaire en 2010, et les prévisions pour la période de soudure 2011 sont alarmantes. La limitation des prix imposée par le gouvernement fin 2010 a suscité un désintérêt des commerçants pour la filière céréalière, et un afflux de retournés, causé par la crise libyenne, a provoqué une pression supplémentaire sur leurs moyens d’existences et entraîné une baisse des transferts monétaires venant de ce pays voisin. Une étude EMMA est alors parue indispensable pour appréhender le fonctionnement du marché des céréales sèches et les effets cumulés des crises sur ce marché, afin d’apporter une intervention la plus pertinente possible pour répondre aux besoins dans le département de Mangalmé. Les principales recommandations d’intervention sont un renforcement de l’accompagnement technique de producteurs et une adaptation des techniques de production ; un soutien à la diversification des capacités de production des ménages vulnérables ; un renforcement des capacités de stockage ; et des interventions monétisées à destination des plus vulnérables pour la couverture des besoins alimentaires de base en période de soudure.

Report authors: 
Aimé Lukelo, Emmeline Saint
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Report type:

L'élection présidentielle contestée de novembre 2010 à plongé la Côte d'Ivoire dans la violence politique, avec des centaines de personnes tuées et 500.000 autres déplacés en interne. Ce rapport présente les résultats d'une étude EMMA sur les graines de riz. Il propose plusieurs recommandations, y compris des programmes Cash for Work (CFW) pour la plupart des ménages vulnérables dans les zones de conflit; de plaider auprès des autorités pour un environnement sécurisé; de sensibiliser la population pour la cohésion sociale; de diversifier les sources de revenus et de nourriture; le soutien des coopératives de semences de riz; de faciliter l'accès aux outils, aux apports et aux besoins alimentaires de base; et le renforcement de la capacité des groupes de producteurs de riz.

Report authors: 
not specified
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Abyei is a relatively small and disputed area of land on the border of North and South Sudan that in recent years has experienced much turmoil. In May 2011, following violent skirmishes, the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) sent troops into Abyei seeking to push out the Southern forces.Compounding the pressure and instability caused by the numbers of both the returnees and the IDPs, the North blocked important trade routes to the South in the midst of the traditional lean season. The combination of these factors had a significant impact on food security in both the short and medium terms. This EMMA was conducted jointly by Mercy Corps and the Norwegian Refugee Council in June 2011 and focused on analyzing the impact of the conflict and the road closure on the maloda (traditional hoe) and okra seed market systems in northern parts of South Sudan. This EMMA report suggests that in-kind seed distributions often undermine markets in the region and inhibit the development of market linkages. It recommends that NGOs stop working as "market actors" and promotes market responses that encourage the market to function better on its own. It also suggests that longer term programs should focus on promoting new and more effective agricultural practices.

Report authors: 
Carol Brady, Emily Henderson, Phillippa Young
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This assessment analyzes the stresses placed on the crucial market systems of wheat flour and tomatoes in eastern Libya, following the rise of civil conflict in mid-February 2011. The physical infrastructure and human capital that supports and operates the wheat market system remains entirely functional, while the tomato market system has been affected significantly. Many conflict‐related problems in the tomato market system lend themselves to interventions with which international organizations are familiar: provision of input vouchers, cash for work, crop insurance and debt relief. However, wheat flour has a much greater bearing on food security in eastern Libya than tomatoes. The inability to import wheat is the defining problem affecting the market system, but is caused by political and legal issues beyond the traditional purview of most humanitarian organizations.

Report authors: 
Not specified
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Moyen Cavally and 18 Montagnes regions
June, 2011

This EMMA study looked at the impact of the post-election violence of 2010-11 on the dried fish sector in western Cote d'Ivoire. The violence resulted in reduced numbers of market actors in the market system, interruptions in the supply chain due to insecurity, higher prices and the reduced purchasing power of vulnerable households. This report recommends unconditional cash transfer programs targeting vulnerable households, complemented by voucher programs for specific food items, along with various types of support to fish farmers and actions to promote social cohesion and the re-establishment of the rule of law.

Report authors: 
not specified
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Northern Province
April, 2011

Currently, northern Sri Lanka is recovering from two different crises: the decades-long civil war between the government forces and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam that ended in May 2009, and recent flooding due to heavy rainfall in January and February 2011 in the north and east of the country. This report presents the results of a rapid analysis of the rice market system in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka that took place shortly after the floods. The rice market system is functional, although with significant inefficiencies and imbalance of market power that could be ameliorated with interventions. The long-term conflict caused underdevelopment of infrastructure and insufficient services in the region. While direct flood damage in the region was relatively minor, the indirect and ongoing losses caused by unexpected rainy weather are high. Short to medium-term recommendations include supporting storage and irrigation, diversifying production, improving market information and developing small enterprises with mills and equipment. Long-term development suggestions include supporting the growth of farmer organizations, constructing more sophisticated storage and financing options and the facilitation of higher-value rice production.

Report authors: 
Laura Meissner
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Grand Gedeh County
April, 2011

Since early March 2011, at least 57,000 refugees fleeing fighting and instability in Côte d’Ivoire have been crossing the border into Liberia and have become concentrated along the border and the main road in Grand Gedeh County. In the affected villages, already-limited food and seed stocks are being depleted, meaning that without assistance many farmers will not be able to plant in time for the next harvest. Oxfam undertook a market assessment of the rice and agricultural labor markets to define the most appropriate response and modalities to address emergency needs. The report offers the following recommendations: for vulnerable small farmers,a combination of rice vouchers, a once-off cash grant and seeds and tools package for targeted households; for refugees, a combined approach of in-kind distribution and cash transfers to allow them to meet their basic needs and support their livelihoods through investing in small income generating activities; and for refugees who want or have already started to farm, an additional distribution of seeds and tools. In addition, assessments of the imported rice and agricultural labor markets should be replicated in other areas affected by the refugee influx; the imported rice and agricultural labor markets should be monitored in order to evaluate the impact of the humanitarian assistance and adapt the response accordingly; and market value chain assessments should be extended to other key commodities such as seeds, hygiene items and other food items.

Report authors: 
Nanthilde Kamara, Emily Henderson
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