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Search EMMA and PCMA reports and related case studies

Browse our library of reports and case studies by country, market system or report type. Though the PCMA approach was only formally named as such in 2014, quite a few EMMA studies from earlier years were essentially early PCMAs. The reports in this library are therefore categorized “pre-crisis” if they are focused on developing market baselines and/or preparing for anticipated crises, and they are categorized “post-crisis” if they are primarily focused on responding to a recent or ongoing emergency.

Displaying 41 - 50 of 118

Abyei Administrative Area, Nothern El Ghazal and Western Bahr el Ghazal
March, 2014

On December 15, 2013, fighting broke out in the South Sudanese capital of Juba, and the conflict quickly spread to other areas of the country. Nearly 709,000 people were displaced within the country, leading to a food security crisis and extreme insecurity. Mercy Corps, Goal and SPEDP organized this EMMA assessment between February and March 2014 in Abyei Administrative Area, Western Bahr el Ghazal and Northern Bahr el Ghazal. Sorghum was selected as a critical market system for the assessment given its importance for food security for the local households. During the emergency year, the market was not only affected by the crisis, but also by a severe flood. This assessment recommends in-kind provision of sorghum to increase food availability; cash transfers to increase purchasing power; commodity vouchers for extremely vulnerable households; and direct distribution of seeds and commodity vouchers for tools during the upcoming planting season.

Report authors: 
Not specified
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Report type:

February, 2014

As a part of its National Humanitarian Capacity Building for Urban Risk Management, Oxfam organized a five-day EMMA training intended to enhance the capacity of WaSH actors in Nepal to design and implement market-based interventions during future emergencies.The training included practical research on the baseline drinking water market system in two IDP camps near Kathmandu that was intended to inform earthquake preparedness activities; in this sense, the study was more a PCMMA than an EMMA. This report documents both the training that took place and the market-related findings and does not follow the standard format for an EMMA or PCMMA report. Recommendations were made for each of the IDP camps visited during the training.

Report authors: 
Mandira Singh Shrestha
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Report type:

Communes de Simiri, Ouallam, Tondikiwindi et Banibangou, Région de Tillabéry
February, 2014

Le Niger fait face à des épisodes de crises alimentaires de plus en plus rapprochés qui ne permettent pas aux populations les plus pauvres d'avoir la capacité de se relever entre deux crises. Selon l'analyse de la campagne agricole 2013-14, plus de 1 million de personnes au Niger ont été en insécurité alimentaire. La zone de Ouallam est particulièrement touchée. Oxfam a souhaité faire cette étude PCMMA pour avoir plus d’informations sur le fonctionnement des marchés des denrées de base - spécifiquement, le mil et le mais - en période de soudure dans cette même zone. Ce rapport propose les recommendations suivantes pour aider la population à réaliser la sécurité alimentaire : une intervention à travers des transferts de cash ou coupons aux mois de février/mars d’une mauvaise année ; d'utiliser les indicateurs précoces de mauvaise année identifiés dans cette étude afin de faire des interventions précoces pertinentes et qui éviteront d’agir quand il est déjà trop tard ; une interaction stratégique avec les collecteurs qui vont chercher les produits dans les zones reculées ; et d’assurer un soutien à l’autonomisation des femmes en leur permettant d’accéder elles-mêmes aux intrants maraichers en début de saison.

Report authors: 
Marie Boulinaud
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Report type:

Typhoon Haiyan (known locally as Yolanda) damaged 61,741 houses were damaged in the Philippines' Eastern Samar province alone when it struck in November 2013. This power point presentation provides an overview of an EMMA exercise that was conducted to examine whether the local market could meet the need for corrugated galvanized iron (CGI) sheets for roofing for the affected population in Eastern Samar after the crisis. This assessment suggests increasing the purchasing power of households through a combination of commodity vouchers and cash grants, rapidly conducting further research into the impact of the typhoon and the subsequent humanitarian response to date on the transportation market, and advocating with government and international relief organizations to facilitate the recovery of normal commercial activities along key shipping routes.

Report authors: 
Nupur Kukrety
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Report type:

Very brief summary notes on an EMMA conducted on the olive oil market system at the start of the Syrian crisis.

Report authors: 
not specified
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Report type:

Buthidaung Township, Rakhine State
October, 2013

The people of Rakhine State have suffered a long history of inter-communal conflict. Existing tensions between Buddhists and Muslims erupted into violent conflict in June and October 2012, resulting in massive population displacement and destruction of public and private properties, with many people injured or killed. The Consortium of Dutch NGOs led this EMMA study to investigate the potato and chemical fertilizer market systems. Among this report's most important recommendations are the distribution of vouchers for high energy food rations to vulnerable populations for households involved in casual labor and/or self employed; cash for work for populations that are involved in casual labor; cash grants for households to access vegetables and vegetable seeds; cash grants for households with access to land for purchase of production inputs; and model community savings and loan schemes or community micro-credit.

Report authors: 
Steven Lanjouw, U Khin Waung U
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Years of blockades and the depletion of natural resources have severely impacted prospects for economic development of the Gaza Strip. As of 2012, more than one million people in Gaza were living below the poverty line. This report presents the results of an early PCMMA of the wheat flour market system, which is very important in the local economy and local diets. The study considers the likely impact of two hypothetical but possible scenarios on the wheat flour market system. Because of low purchasing power and high food prices, poor households in Gaza are heavily reliant on aid agencies to supply most of their wheat flour needs. This report suggests two additional critical issues that need to be considered: price adaptations in case of increases in private demand and the purchasing power of the food aid beneficiaries. It recommends providing cash and/or vouchers for wheat flour to increase household purchasing power and creating strategic grain reserves in Gaza to control wheat flour prices.

Report authors: 
not specified
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Since the attacks of 2009 until 2012, unemployment in the Gaza Strip remains very high, and average wage levels remain low. Vulnerable households with low incomes and limited or no employment will continue to require support to meet their basic food and non-food needs. The study used a livelihoods perspective and looked at the broiler chicken market as an income market. It also looked at the impacts of the previous two wars to analyse what the impacts of a future similar crisis could be. In this sense, this study was really more of an early PCMMA than an EMMA. This report recommends supporting existing small-scale broiler producers; providing inputs to small-scale producers who experienced losses as a result of wars and who have the potential for sustainability to restart their production; the facilitation of follow-up trainings in poultry production management; advocacy with the Ministry of Agriculture to improve/provide positive support and registration for small-scale producers; advocacy to relevant ministries to provide compensation for losses resulting from conflicts and/or epidemics; facilitating access to credit providers for small-scale producers to prevent them remaining dependent on middlemen for financial services; and conducting further analysis on the chicken feed, gas and credit markets.

Report authors: 
Emmeline Saint
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Western Bhar el Ghazal and Warrap States
September, 2013

More than half of the population in southern Sudan lives below the poverty line. The high household reliance on cereals makes the population highly vulnerable to crop failure and abnormal price movements. This assessment applies learning from the 2011 drought in the Horn of Africa to the South Sudanese context with the aim of supporting more effective, timely and appropriate responses to slow onset recurrent crisis via a pre-crisis market analysis. This study focused on the agricultural labor market system in Warrap and Western Bahr el Ghazal States. Its findings suggest that the agricultural labor market system is not sufficient to cover the gap in household income even in baseline years, let alone emergency years. The agricultural labor market is fragile, and floods, drought and insecurity all reduce the demand for labor. Given the complexity of the agricultural labor system and the high variability among states, and even counties, there is no simple solution to address the challenges noted. This assessment recommends more detailed research, including an HEA study, as well as the provision of agricultural inputs such as seeds and tools and appropriate food assistance.

Report authors: 
Not specified
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Sous-Préfecture de Kaga Bandoro
August, 2013

De décembre 2012 à mars 2013, les régions de l’Ouham, Nana Gribizi et la Kémo dans la RCA furent occupées par la coalition de la Séléka. Toute la population de ces zones a été affectée par les violences et exactions commises. L'objectif premier de cette étude EMMA était d’identifier les réponse les plus appropriées pour des interventions de court et moyen terme suite à l'occupation de la Séléka. Ce rapport présente les résultats de la partie de l'étude qui s’est concentrée sur la région de Kaga Bandoro en tant que zone de couverture géographique d’IRC. Il ressort de cette analyse une forte capacité de commercialisation et stockage des grands commerçants musulmans pouvant permettre de faire face à une augmentation de la demande si celle-ci été créée. Ainsi, la présente analyse recommande les réponses suivantes: Des activités de cash for work afin de générer des revenus pour les groupes cibles en dehors des périodes de travaux champêtres et ainsi pallier à leur décapitalisation précoce; Des transferts monétaires d’urgence pour les ménages vulnérables; Des transferts en espèces pour les petits commerçants afin de compenser la perte de capital liée notamment aux pillages; Une poursuite des activités de surveillance des marchés et une mise à jour des résultats de l’EMMA afin de permettre un ajustement des programmes; La diffusion des informations sur le marché aux acteurs de celui-ci, afin d’améliorer la prise de décision et le pouvoir de négociation; et A plus long terme, un support à la préparation de la prochaine campagne, pour permettre la relance des activités agricoles.

Report authors: 
Emmeline Saint
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