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Search EMMA and PCMA reports and related case studies

Browse our library of reports and case studies by country, market system or report type. Though the PCMA approach was only formally named as such in 2014, quite a few EMMA studies from earlier years were essentially early PCMAs. The reports in this library are therefore categorized “pre-crisis” if they are focused on developing market baselines and/or preparing for anticipated crises, and they are categorized “post-crisis” if they are primarily focused on responding to a recent or ongoing emergency.

Displaying 71 - 80 of 118

Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu Districts, Northern Province
May, 2012

More than three decades of armed conflict in Sri Lanka led to a steady deterioration of the food security situation along with social and economic infrastructure in Sri Lanka's Northern Province. Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu are two districts in the north that were severely affected in the final phase of the war during January to May 2009. In mid-2009, resettlement programs began returning those displaced in the war to their home communities in these two districts. This report presents the results and recommendations of an EMMA of the red rice market system to better understand the availability of red rice in local markets and any constraints facing the market system. This analysis shows that the supply in these regions is sufficient to meet the need of the target population, but that consumers have limited access to this supply due to low purchasing power. Its recommendations include cash for work activities, indirect interventions, and advocacy to strengthen the red rice supply market system in the two districts.

Report authors: 
Gregory Matthews, Rajesh Dhungel, Sinnasamy Raguraamamurty, Karthika Tharmalingam, Paramanathapillai Seran
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Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu Districts, Northern Province
May, 2012

More than three decades of armed conflict in Sri Lanka led to a steady deterioration of the food security situation along with social and economic infrastructure in Sri Lanka's Northern Province. Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu are two districts in the north that were severely affected in the final phase of the war during January to May 2009. In mid-2009, resettlement programs began returning those displaced in the war to their home communities in these two districts. This report presents the results and recommendations of an EMMA of the credit market system that sought to build on the findings of previous assessments looking at household asset holdings and losses by mapping out the various sources of credit available in the targeted region. While there is a wide array of credit options available to households in the two districts, the services do not reach the majority of the resettled people, particularly the recent returnees. The report recommends increasing loan funds available to CBOs and cooperative societies; improving the organizational capacity of cooperative organizations; using financial literacy workshops/training as a tool to link households with financial institutions; and advocacy for changes in the collateral and loan structure requirements of the formal banking system and for the expansion of credit.

Report authors: 
Dr. Neavis Morais, Gregory Matthews, Saviriappu Thevathas, Sinniah Kokularajah
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Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu Districts, Northern Province
May, 2012

More than three decades of armed conflict in Sri Lanka led to a steady deterioration of the food security situation along with social and economic infrastructure in Sri Lanka's Northern Province. Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu are two districts in the north that were severely affected in the final phase of the war during January to May 2009. In mid-2009, resettlement programs began returning those displaced in the war to their home communities in these two districts. This report presents the results and recommendations of an EMMA of the masonry labor market that seeks to understand how well the current masonry market is functioning relative to the demand for labor and whether there are opportunities to promote job creation in the sector. It concludes that the masonry market is functioning well; however, there is a scarcity of skilled masonry laborers in the region due to the extensive training period and lack of interest in the local community. This assessment concludes with two main recommendations, namely to support vocational training service providers to train unemployed youths in masonry, and to link these institutions with chief masons for advanced on-the-job training opportunities. Such recommendations will speed the engagement of local unemployed workers in the masonry sector and benefit those resettled families in need of homes and public buildings.

Report authors: 
Gregory Matthews, Gemuni Wijesena, S. Fawzardeen, T. Senthees, P. Perinpakumar
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Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu Districts, Northern Province
May, 2012

More than three decades of armed conflict in Sri Lanka led to a steady deterioration of the food security situation along with social and economic infrastructure in Sri Lanka's Northern Province. Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu are two districts in the north that were severely affected in the final phase of the war during January to May 2009. In mid-2009, resettlement programs began returning those displaced in the war to their home communities in these two districts. This report presents results and recommendations from an EMMA that focused on the availability of cross-breed milking cows to meet the demand for farmers seeking to both replace their cattle lost during the end of the war and to expand livelihood options through milk production. It concludes that the milking cow system in Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu is functioning, but at a very low capacity relative to the demand, with few prospects to increase capacity in the near-term without outside assistance. Thus, it recommends advocating for fewer restrictions on cattle transportation, as well as providing support mechanisms to dairy farmers such as cash grants, Dairy Village programs and improvement of breeding practices. Importing milking cows from India and Pakistan is also suggested to quickly address the need for milk products in Sri Lanka.

Report authors: 
Gregory Matthews, Tharmaratnam Parthipan, Nadarasa Pusharaj, Nishanty Sivakumaran, Ajith Weerasinghe
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Annex to the EMMA report on the Water Market System in Harshin.

Report authors: 
not specified
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The Somali region in Ethiopia suffers from chronic drought and water shortages. Oxfam conducted this EMMA study on the water market system in Harshin woreda, comparing the system in a normal year (2009), a bad year (2011), and the current year (2012). The study found that private market actors in Harshin are able to supply sufficient water to meet the needs of the population, but there are issues with cost and access, especially for poor and isolated communities. The report recommends running a pilot project through community level trading entities; implementing public health promotion interventions appropriate for extreme water scarcity; providing support for the operation and maintenance of boreholes; and continuing advocacy efforts for the lifting of border restrictions to enable water to be transported from Somaliland.

Report authors: 
not specified
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Kampong Thom Province
February, 2012

In 2011, persistent heavy rains meant led to widespread flooding around the Mekong River, affecting a number of districts in Cambodia's northwestern and central provinces. In Kompong Thom province, 63 of 73 communes and 396 of 739 villages were affected by the flood.

Report authors: 
Kep Kannaro, Aung Thein Thein, Tim Vanna, Mean Meanith, Hov Kim Khouch, Khammavong Khamphy, Cristalli Alessandro, Meach Cenmil
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Report type:

Régions du Kanem et du Bahr El Gazal
January, 2012

Les régions du Kanem et du Bahr el Gazal ont une production agricole déficitaire chronique à cause de la sécheresse cyclique, de la variabilité spatio-temporelle de la répartition des pluies, de la désertification et de l'érosion. Les rendements prévisionnels de la campagne agricole actuelle sur l’ensemble du territoire du Tchad pour la plupart des cultures vivrières sont inférieurs de 8% par rapport à la moyenne quinquennale. Selon l’enquête du PAM réalisée en mars-avril 2011, 46,3% de la population du Kanem et 40,5% de la population du Bahr El Gazal sont en insécurité alimentaire sévère. Oxfam et ACF ont décidé de réaliser une étude EMMA des marchés des céréales (mil, sorgho et maïs), afin de définir les types de réponses et les modalités les plus appropriées pour répondre aux besoins humanitaires. L’étude recommande de réaliser des distributions gratuites sur la zone, en priorité dans les zones rurales. En parallèle, l’évolution des marchés étant dynamique et dépendant de facteurs externes, il sera essentiel de réaliser un suivi de la situation dans les mois qui viennent, autant au niveau de l’évolution de la capacité des systèmes de marché des céréales, qu’au niveau de l’accès alimentaire des populations vulnérables.

Report authors: 
Nanthilde Kamara
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Report type:

Les régions du Kanem et du Bahr el Gazal
January, 2012

Les régions du Kanem et du Bahr el Gazal ont une production agricole déficitaire chronique à cause de la sécheresse cyclique, de la variabilité spatio-temporelle de la répartition des pluies, de la désertification et de l'érosion. Les rendements prévisionnels de la campagne agricole actuelle sur l’ensemble du territoire du Tchad pour la plupart des cultures vivrières sont inférieurs de 8% par rapport à la moyenne quinquennale. Selon l’enquête du PAM réalisée en mars-avril 2011, 46,3% de la population du Kanem et 40,5% de la population du Bahr El Gazal sont en insécurité alimentaire sévère. Oxfam et ACF ont décidé de réaliser une étude EMMA du marché du tourteau d'arachide (une sorte d'aliment pour le bétail), afin de définir les types de réponses et les modalités les plus appropriées pour répondre aux besoins humanitaires. Le rapport suggère deux études, une sur l’alimentation animale et une sur l’huile d’arachide, suivi par de l'appui à la filière du tourteau d’arachide à travers l’accès au crédit des grossistes et des transformateurs d’arachide. En période d’urgence, le rapport propose des distributions ou ventes subventionnées de tourteau d’arachide et du conseil des agropasteurs et éleveurs sur l’utilisation du tourteau d’arachide. A plus long terme, le rapport suggère l’appui technique sur l’utilisation du tourteau d’arachide.

Report authors: 
Anne-Solenne Le Danvic
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An EMMA Study
January, 2012

This case study presents learning from an EMMA market assessment carried out in Liberia in April 2011, focused on imported rice and agricultural labor. It presents key findings for the rice market system before discussing successes and lessons learned from the exercise.

Report authors: 
Carol Brady, Nanthilde Kamara
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